
Showing 1–16 of 89 results

  • 120 Minutes to Shield Your Marriage

    It may seem like an exaggeration, but in one minute (yes, just one minute), a single action can change our lives forever. And when it comes to marriage, a word spoken at the right time, a small change in behaviour, or even reading a page of a book can make all the difference.

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  • 21 Days Challenge that will Change your Life (The John Challenge)21 Days Challenge that will Change your Life (The John Challenge)

    21 Days that can Change your Life (The John Challenge)

    21 Days to know God and yourself even better: Get ready to see the life of Jesus from a new and different angle. Renato Cardoso invites you on a 21-day journey through the life of Jesus, as you read through the Gospel of John. It’s one chapter a day, accompanied by the author’s daily meditations and practical lessons that can change your life.


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  • 21dias21dias

    21 Dias que Mudarão Sua Vida (O Desafio de João)

    Prepare-se para conhecer a vida de Jesus por um ângulo que você nunca viu. 

    Em 21 Dias que mudarão sua vida – Desafio de João, Renato Cardoso convida você a uma viagem de 21 dias pela vida de Jesus, através do Evangelho de João.

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  • 40-S-book40-S-book

    40 Secrets for the Single Woman

    In 40 Secrets for the Single Woman, Nanda Bezerra draws on her own experiences and offers valuable tips. The author says, “These tips will transform you into a gracious woman. Many women who are suffering in a bad marriage today were well aware of the signs whilst dating but, unfortunately, chose to ignore them. In my opinion, these tips should not be read all at once (if you are able to resist the temptation), but one secret should be read a day in order to work on a different task each day. I believe that even before the 40 days are up, you will see the benefits.”

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    40 Segredos que toda solteira deveria saber

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  • 50 Tons Para o Sucesso

    Sucesso não se compra. Não é questão de sorte. É para quem batalha, guerreia, se dispõe a deixar a zona de conforto e se supera.

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  • DoseDose

    A Dose mais Forte

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  • A Terra Vai Pegar Fogo

    Em A Terra Vai Pegar Fogo, você descobriá profundas revelações divinas feitas ao apostolo João e apresentadas no Livro do Apocalipse. E Necessário ler esse livro e meditar sobre ele, à medida que fica evidente que vivemos os últimos dias nessa Terra.

    Voce esta preparado?

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  • A Woman of Faith

    In her amazing memoir, Ester Bezerra reveals for the first time the remarkable episodes of her life alongside Edir Macedo, one of the greatest spiritual leaders in the world, and her husband for more than four decades.

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  • godschildrengodschildren

    Are we all God’s children

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  • FrutosFrutos

    As Obras da Carne e os Frutos do Espírito

    Cultive os bons frutos. O coração humano é como um grande jardim de solo muito fértil, nele podemos cultivar plantas boas ou más, e colher os frutos de acordo com o que plantamos.

    Nesta obra, com muita simplicidade e clareza, o autor orienta o leitor a conquistar uma comunhão cada dia maior com Deus e a produzir bons frutos, os frutos do Espírito Santo.

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    Better than a new pair of shoes (Paperback)

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  • Bible StudiesBible Studies

    Bible Studies

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  • Front coverBack cover

    Bulletproof Dating

    Bulletproof Dating will open your eyes and show you practical actions you can take. It’s a manuel for all ages, from teenagers to more mature singles. After all, it’s never too early (or too late) to learn intelligent love.

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  • Bulletproof Marriage (New Edition)

    “Just like one word can destroy a relationship, another can build it. It all hangs on the power of the word. If it’s evil, it destroys. If it’s godly, it restores and builds up. In this book, you will find the right word that will show you the secret to a marriage that lasts a lifetime.”

    author of “Nothing to lose”
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  • CB-bookCB-book

    Casamento Blindado

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