About Us


ChristianBooks-Plus Online Shop, which is committed to provide customers with quality products and competitive prices. We offer various products for your personal and spiritual development. Besides its convenience, you can also purchase items easily and safely.

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ChristianBooks-Plus Online Shop is an initiative of the UCKG HelpCentre to provide Christian literature and products worldwide. Guided by modern concepts such as, media, market, tools, etc., Christian Books Plus began in 2000 and, having obtained the help of God, we have continued until this day. Our aim is provide basic supplies to followers of Christ, as well as provide material to enhance and strengthen our walk with God.

CBP Online Shop has been operating in the market in order to implement a trade organization.

Over time, CBP Online Shop has contributed significantly to the achievement of a successful market positioning of many Christian Publisher, such as Unipro. In the past Sixteen years, CBP has advanced significantly and worked with numerous editorials, composed of three seals, which deliver unprecedented and comprehensive works. This includes works of general interest, self-help, biographies, behaviour, and much more.


ChristianBooks-Plus Online Shop seeks to establish a relationship with the public, based on trust and credibility, through the commercialization of products, not only of Unipro but with other publishing houses. Our mission is to serve our customers with the utmost diligence, to provide competitive and high quality products.


To reach those who are lost, oppressed, hopeless, thirsty, broken-hearted, in need and lonely and, to lead them to find true life, happiness, joy and a new beginning through our books, which leads to the Fountain of Everlasting Water, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Socio-Environmental Policy, Integrity, Developing People, Winning Spirit, Customer Focus, Teamwork, Innovative.

Christian Books-Plus: For all your Christian Necessities!

Christian Books Plus is an initiative of the UCKG HelpCentre