Better than a new pair of shoes (Paperback)

Better than a new pair of shoes (Paperback)

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Better than a new pair of shoes (Paperback)

This book is NOT about buying new shoes. But it does an even better job at helping women look and feel great about themselves.

What makes a really successful women is not what she wears but what she is made of inside. New shoes can make you feel good for a moment, but they won’t help you deal with the endless challenges you face as a woman – relationships, marriage, children, work, feelings of inadequacy, the stress of staying in shape and looking good, hurt feelings, ……….you can fill the blank.

In ‘Better Than A New Pair Of Shoes’ you will find wisdom and tools to deal with these and other situations that affect you. Talking to you, not down to you, Cristiane Cardoso speaks from her experiences – good and bad – and shares insights into what she has learned on her journey as a single women, then wife, then mother and now a counsellor to thousands of women worldwide. 
