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Rational Faith


In recent times, the Spirit of God has revealed a faith that produces results, a faith that causes God’s promises to materialise. This is rational faith, not based on emotions or feelings. It’s precisely through this kind of faith that sincere people can take possession of the inheritance of Abraham.


In recent times, the Spirit of God has revealed a faith that produces results, a faith that causes God’s promises to materialise. This is rational faith, not based on emotions or feelings. It’s precisely through this kind of faith that sincere people can take possession of the inheritance of Abraham.

In this book, you’ll find examples taken from the Gospels that illustrate the differences between emotional faith and rational faith. Many have seen God’s promises materialise in their lives because they use a type of faith that depends on the feelings of the heart. Emotional faith blinds a Christian’s understanding, oppressing them through religious fanaticism without them even realising it.

On the other hand, intelligent faith is supernatural and distinctly differs from emotional faith because it comes from the spirit of God. It is conscious and balanced, which allows no conflict with reason.

Read this book and discover what kind of faith you truly have.

Weight 0.103 kg


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