FAQs Page

How to Shop
Buy at ChristianBooks-Plus Online is safe, very easy and fast. Just follow the steps:

  1. Find the desired product through the categories of the site, through our windows, or simply using our intelligent search tool.
  2. When you find the product, click on the shopping Basket, then choose your features (where applicable), such as size, color, quantity, etc and then click on add to Cart.
  3. If you already have already registered at ChristianBooks Plus Online Shop site, just enter your email and password. Otherwise you will have to fill out a quick registration form, essential for us to ship your goods fast and securely.
  4. To buy more products, repeat steps 1 and 2.
  5. To change the number of items or check the cost of shipping, simply click on “View Chart” and then click on “Calculate Shipping” enter the requested information (Country/City/Postcode) and click the button to calculate the freight, and continue to move forward.
  6. Enter Billing and delivery addresses information (if different). For those who have an account and have logged in, your Billing information will appear on this page, so please confirm (or change it if you wish).
  7. Choose the form of payment (PayPal, Credit Card or bank Billet).
  8. So the number of your order will appear. The request was completed. If you wish, we also offer Customer Service at +44 207 6866 007. When you call, please have your product details at hand, this are name (s) (s) and code (s) reference (s) of product (s)

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